Leadership styles and work performance in nurses working in the Health Sector, Juliaca 2019





transformational leadership, transactional leadership, job performance.


Objective: to determine the relationship between leadership style and job performance in nurses
who work in the Health Sector of Juliaca. Methodology: design was non-experimental, descriptive,
correlational and cross-sectional. The sample was made up of 120 nursing professionals. Three Likert
scale instruments were applied for data collection. Results: there is no significant relationship between
both variables (p value 0.555), according to the Kendall Tau-b test. Likewise, 74.2% of the nurses have a
transformational leadership and 84.2% showed regular work performance during the study. Conclusion:
leadership style is not related to job performance in nurses working in the Health Sector.


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How to Cite

Yallercco Quispe, L. ., & Umire Huarca, Y. . (2020). Leadership styles and work performance in nurses working in the Health Sector, Juliaca 2019. Revista Científica De Ciencias De La Salud, 13(1), 32–36. https://doi.org/10.17162/rccs.v13i1.1343