Healthy Habits and Nutritional Status in Middle Basic Education Children from Private Educational El Sagrario del cantón Loja




Eating habits, Physical activity, Sleep habits, School health promotion, Nutritional status


Objective: To determine the healthy habits and nutritional status of children attending middle basic education in private educational units of the El Sagrario parish in the Loja canton. Methodology: A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 270 children. Data collection instruments included the Health Habits Questionnaire, the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children, and the Children's Sleep Habits Survey. Additionally, the weight and height of the participants were measured to assess their nutritional status. Results: The results show that 75.09% of children consume three meals a day, 98.56% regularly include proteins in their diet, 93.14% consume fruits and vegetables, 96.03% have an adequate water intake, and 98.92% consume processed food. However, 47.65% exhibit unhealthy habits related to the interaction between food consumption and digital entertainment. Moreover, 48.74% of the children have a high consumption of digital entertainment during the week and weekends. Regarding physical activity, 59.93% of the children have a low level of physical activity, and 62.82% have inadequate sleep habits. In terms of nutritional status, 44.41% of the children are underweight, while 5.77% are overweight. Conclusion: Although the majority of children have healthy habits related to nutrition, critical areas require attention, such as low levels of physical activity, inadequate sleep habits, and the harmful interaction between food consumption and digital entertainment. A significant percentage of malnutrition and overweight is also evident. In response to these findings, an educational strategy was implemented for parents and children to promote the development of proper healthy habits and improve the results obtained in the research.


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How to Cite

Montoya Jaramillo, V., & Peralta Torres, E. (2024). Healthy Habits and Nutritional Status in Middle Basic Education Children from Private Educational El Sagrario del cantón Loja. Revista Científica De Ciencias De La Salud, 17(2), 59–66.