Emotional intelligence and family functioning in teeneger high school students


  • Raúl Stifp Zela Bravo Instancias de Gestión Educativa Descentralizada, San Roman, Juliaca, Perú




Emotional intelligence, family functioning, cohesion, adaptability, teeneger.


Objective: To determine if there is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
family functioning in teeneger high school students. Methodology: Quantitative approach, of a
descriptive correlational type and has a non-experimental, cross-sectional design. The population is
530 adolescents from 12 to 17 years old, students of the secondary level of a private school in Juliaca,
Puno. The sample was confirmed by 320 participants, obtained through a non-probability convenience
sampling. The evaluation instruments were: The Emotional Intelligence Scale - WLEIS and the FACES
III Family Functionality Scale. Results: About 95% of the students present between average and high
levels of emotional intelligence, likewise 70% of the students perceive a healthy degree of cohesion
and family adaptability and 30% perceive deficiencies and conflicts in their functionality family. On the
other hand, the correlation of both variables was carried out through Spearman’s rho coefficient, where
it is appreciated that there is a moderate direct significant correlation between Family Functioning and
Emotional Intelligence in adolescent high school students in general ( r = .465 **, p = .000) and with
their respective dimensions. Conclusion: The higher the perceived family Functionality, the higher the
levels of Emotional Intelligence the adolescent will develop.


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How to Cite

Zela Bravo, R. S. . (2022). Emotional intelligence and family functioning in teeneger high school students. Revista Científica De Ciencias De La Salud, 15(1), 39–50. https://doi.org/10.17162/rccs.v15i1.1754