Organizations of personal significance in adolescents according to the postrationalist model of Vittorio Guidano


  • Marta Meza Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chillán, Chile.
  • Ismael Morales Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chillán, Chile.
  • Bárbara Cerda Aedo Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chillán, Chile.



post-rationalism, attachment, Organization of Personal Meaning, adolescents.


Objective: the work analyzes the Organizations of Personal Meaning (OSP) according to the postrationalist
model of Guidano, in adolescents. Methodology: quantitative approach, encompassing
a descriptive, cross-sectional, comparative and correlational study. The sample corresponded to the
total number of students from the first to the fourth year of secondary education and the instrument of
Evaluation of Relationships of Personal Meaning (OSP) was used, which describes OSP: depressive,
dápic, phobic and obsessive. Results: 36.4% of the studied sample has an obsessive OSP tendency.
Following this, 33.9% have a phobic OSP trend. The t-test showed differences according to gender in
depressive OSP (p = 0.007) and dpic OSP (p = 0.041). Conclusion: OSP as a dynamic construct allow
the analysis of attachment processes within the secondary community and within family ties.


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How to Cite

Meza, M. ., Morales, I. ., & Cerda Aedo, B. . (2022). Organizations of personal significance in adolescents according to the postrationalist model of Vittorio Guidano. Revista Científica De Ciencias De La Salud, 14(2), 91–96.