Post-rationalist cognitive psychotherapy process: Experience in adolescents with emotional dysregulation




Adolescence, psychotherapy, post-translational cognitive, emotional dysregulation.


Objective: To understand the experience of adolescents with emotional dysregulation in a postrationalist
cognitive psychotherapy process. Methodology: Qualitative approach, adopting a
phenomenological perspective. It seeks to generate a grounded theory through a comprehensive
hypothesis from the post-rationalist cognitive theoretical model (Krause, 1995). Results: Significant
changes could be observed in the operated patients with respect to the main indicators of emotional
dysregulation that were made known during the first sessions, verbalized both by the patients and
the information obtained from the establishment from which they were derived. The adolescents were
able to experience emotions, at the level of understanding the sense of continuity they maintained and
how this is altered when they become an observer of themselves. Conclusions: It was possible to
accompany the adolescent in this process, experiencing and knowing the different aspects involved in
carrying out a therapy, both professionally and personally.


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How to Cite

Cerda Aedo, B. ., Cerda Mora, V. ., Godoy Sarmiento, P. ., Venegas Hernández, M. ., & Morales Ojeda, I. . (2021). Post-rationalist cognitive psychotherapy process: Experience in adolescents with emotional dysregulation. Revista Científica De Ciencias De La Salud, 14(1), 83–94.