Overweight, obesity, and their relationship with lifestyle in adolescents from the Fiscomisional School “La Dolorosa.”- Loja, Ecuador





Healthy habits, Nutritional status, Students, Body mass index


Objective: Analyze the relationship between overweight and obesity and lifestyle in adolescents aged 10-19 years from the Fiscomisional “La Dolorosa” school. Methodology: Descriptive correlational study with a mixed approach, using a prospective cross-sectional cohort design. The study population was made up of 278 students, selected from a total of 1000 students at the school. To assess lifestyle, the “FANTÁSTICO” lifestyle self-assessment questionnaire was used, a modified version of a Chilean proposal designed by the Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University in Canada, translated and adapted for this study. In addition, the weight and height of each individual were recorded following the guidelines of the Ministry of Public Health. Results: There is a high prevalence of overweight (50.72%) and obesity (2.16%) among students, of which 40.29% of the participants presented a lifestyle considered low, a significant relationship was established between overweight, obesity and lifestyle through the Chi square statistical test, with a value of 31.8 (p <0.05). Conclusion: More than half of the population have alterations in nutritional status, whether overweight or obesity, and they are closely related to the lifestyle of students, establishing that the lower the quality of the lifestyle, the greater the risk of developing alterations. of nutritional status.


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How to Cite

Montoya Jaramillo, V. L., Vuele Sinche, M. E., Bermeo Condoy , K. E., & Rodríguez Pineda, M. L. (2024). Overweight, obesity, and their relationship with lifestyle in adolescents from the Fiscomisional School “La Dolorosa.”- Loja, Ecuador. Revista Científica De Ciencias De La Salud, 17(1), 36–43. https://doi.org/10.17162/rccs.v14i1.2075