Construction of the questionnaire on coping strategies for cyberbullying in adolescents from the department of Puno, 2021


  • Janett Rosaly Cayo Caceres Universidad Peruana Unión, Juliaca, Perú.
  • Heber Mario Pari Betancur Universidad Peruana Unión
  • Eddy Wildmar Aquize Anco Universidad Peruana Unión



Cyberbullying; coping strategies; social networks; teenagers


Objective: to analyze the psychometric properties of the cyberbullying coping strategies questionnaire. Methodology: the study was carried out in a sample of 250 adolescents between 14 and 17 years of age for the pilot test and 300 adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age between men and women, the data collection was carried out virtually by means of the Google form platform. Result: the questionnaire on cyberbullying coping strategies in its final version has a validity index (V = .98) that was obtained thanks to the evaluation of six expert professionals and having 4 evaluation criteria (Clarity, Context, Congruence and Construct domain). Regarding content validity, it was achieved through the KMO and Bartlett’s sphericity tests whose values were (KMO = .876; P <.05) which would translate into which instrument is suitable for confirmatory factor analysis ( AFC), which suggests that the instrument must have a content distributed in 2 factors that explain 41.7% of the accumulated variance, a more detailed analysis was carried out using the structural equations, in which RMSEA = 0.077 greater than the , 005; CFI = 0.882, and UN TLI = 0.860, both results show an adequate fit. Regarding the reliability of the instrument through Cronbach’s alpha, this reached (.873), likewise the reliability of the two dimensions of the questionnaire was analyzed by calculating the McDonald’s Omega coefficient (evaluation of threats and evaluation of coping) obtaining a reliability of .957 and. 851 respectively, which would indicate which instrument has adequate global reliability. Conclusion: the instrument shows good internal consistency and construct validity


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How to Cite

Cayo Caceres, J. R. ., Pari Betancur, H. M. ., & Aquize Anco, E. W. . (2022). Construction of the questionnaire on coping strategies for cyberbullying in adolescents from the department of Puno, 2021. Revista Científica De Ciencias De La Salud, 14(2), 9–20.