Risk factors and prevalence of migraine disorders in the adult population. Medical strategies from community primary care





Risk factors, migraine disorders, primary health care.


Objective: To determine the risk factors for migraine disorders, present in the adult population towards
the establishment of medical strategies for their prevention and treatment from community primary
care. Methodology: The study was developed through a descriptive and field type investigation, with
a sample of 64 patients, determined through an intentional non-probabilistic sampling. A Questionnaire
was designed as a data collection instrument, whose content validation by means of nine experts was
sufficient. In the statistical treatment, Excel 2007 and SPSS version 23 were used, with a descriptive
procedure of frequencies, summations, arithmetic mean and percentages, represented in frequency
tables by indicators. Results: The prevalence of a family history of migraine is demonstrated, while
the characteristics of the pain were hemicranial, throbbing, moderate intensity, insidious, evolution over
5 years, naproxen being the most widely used drug. Prevalence of migraine without aura in females
between the ages of 31 to 60 years. The most experienced symptom besides pain was vomiting /
nausea. Conclusion: According to the results, it is concluded that the greatest triggering risk factor
for migraine was environmental factors, translated into high thermal sensation. The application of local
strategy guidelines in health promotion and prevention is recommended.


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How to Cite

Salas Acosta, E. ., Salas de González, M. ., & González-Salas, M. . (2021). Risk factors and prevalence of migraine disorders in the adult population. Medical strategies from community primary care. Revista Científica De Ciencias De La Salud, 14(1), 9–18. https://doi.org/10.17162/rccs.v14i1.1477